Friday, March 23, 2007


I will not stack off with top pair top kicker.
I will not stack off with top pair top kicker.
I will not stack off with top pair top kicker.
Yeah, okay, I probably will. Many times.

I managed to shove a whole stack overtop of a flop donk bet last night with my awesome nut flush draw with only one overcard. I slightly over estimated my fold equity, and lost a stack to the mighty flopped top pair, 6th kicker. I am continually amazed by what some people will go to the felt with and it keeps me puzzled on when I should be getting away from big pairs.

As I slowly figure out this no limit thing, I am trading a lot of mistakes back and forth. Despite playing like a total donkey from time to time, I am getting the better of the trades so far and really hope that trend continues.

Things are chugging along nicely at Paradise, despite dropping a couple buy ins last night. I still have about $120 of bonus left to clear there before sliding back to either Party or Stars where I can get my Poker Tracker and HUD fix. If it turns out that Paradise is more profitable I could learn to live without those goodies, or take the time to import hands and look into GameTime for a HUD.


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