Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Superstitious Feeling

For the fourth time in my very long and illustrious poker 'career', I cracked the $1,300 net winnings barrier. In each previous case this event was immediately followed by a fairly major downswing. The first time I made it to this mark, I promptly dropped over $600, with a smaller $300 drop and finally a $700 downswing on the two subsequent occasions.

So, as I slowly crept back towards $1,300, I vowed not to take any notice of the event this time and would definitely not be mentioning it aloud or in print. I am not superstitious at all but I just didn't want to jinx myself in any way.

I crossed the barrier for the fourth time last night for a brief period after some play at Paradise before I moved over to Party and spewed away $60 or so it. Half of which was just due to cards not going my way and the other half was 100% stupid tilt. Have you ever decided that the 6th button raise in a row on your big blind must just be pure garbage, so you re-raise with T9s? Then when re-raised again you decide to put this punk to a decision for all his chips? I can now say that I have, and the outcome wasn't pretty. On the bright side it was a somewhat liberating feeling to shake off a bit of nittiness and throw caution to the wind. Er, BS!

Anyway, hopefully I bust through my $1,300 barrier curse this time, not that I believe in curses or anything. Just in case though, I will not play black jacks or red queens, I will not raise pocket Aces and will always open raise with 94o in order to appease the poker gods. I will also not play poker while wearing matching socks without also wearing a tinfoil hat.


Blogger Littleacornman said...

Yeah,don't forget the hat! ( thought you were serious for a mo till I got to that bit!)

2:40 PM  
Blogger FloppyJT said...

Hey Acorn,

Tinfoil hats are pretty stylin' anyway, so I like to play in them!

I am almost 100% not serious, but I will probably be watching my BR a little closer than normal for a bit and hopefully not mess myself up in the process with results oriented thinking and play.

3:59 PM  

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