Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Holy Poker Blogs Batman

The more poker blogs I come across, the more I dislike two things about my own. First, all but three blogs have a far better name than mine. I'm kind of assuming I will eventually find three with a less appealing name anyway.

Second, there are a LOT of blogs on blogspot that use the Minima Black template. And I am pretty sure each and every one of them were here before me.

Neither of these things bother me so much as to actually do anything about it of course. I'm just surprised at the number of blogs I bump into that have the same colour scheme. At the time I created this blog (which wasn't long ago at all) that just happened to be the template that appealed to me the most.

With the exception of Ian's Poker Plan, I did not follow any other blogs and I had no idea there were so many. I had been keeping a blog of sorts which really just tracked my bankroll progress with summaries of the prior nights' play. Sometime in April I just copied it all over to blogspot and planned to continue to do nothing more than track my progress with summaries of my play. So, this post is out of character perhaps.

I just can't believe the number of poker blogs out there!! Lately, I will hop onto someones blog and then just follow a random blog link out to another, rinse and repeat over and over again. Invariably, I come across a blog with the exact same base template as mine. Every time I do, I feel a twinge of guilt as if I stole the template from them directly. And just to rub it in my face a little more, they always have a cooler name. Buggers.

I'll get over it I'm sure. Nice blogs everyone!


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