Friday, July 14, 2006


Extended losing streaks suck and everyone has to deal with them at some point. Over and over again I'm sure. I have been on my most wicked losing streak ever but up until last night I actually felt as though I was playing fairly well for the most part, despite the repeated losing sessions. Now, there is no doubt that I have leaks contributing to the losses, but in general I don't think I had been playing horribly. Last night I managed to change that thought and played like a total idiot for a while. It was a very ugly suck fest and I was majorly tilting. I unplugged before doing too much damage, dropping another $30 on the night - but I had been up $30 at one point.

I rode the rocket up to +$1,300 and have now dropped $600 of that back in the last three weeks. Normal? Yeah, probably pretty standard and I will get back on track soon enough I'm sure. As long as I don't run around imploding like I did last night. That was my first real tilt session and I could have, and should have, stopped playing earlier as I knew full well I was going off the deep end as it happened.

Shortly after crawling away from the tables, updating my record keeping and sobbing for a while, my brother rolled into town. He plays a bit of poker online at Paradise, sticking mainly to $6 SNG's and we talked about all things poker for a while. I'm going to try to get him into a little bonus chasing to build up a bit of a bankroll. He has some money at Paradise and pretty much sticks to the $6 SNG's with some success. His downfall tends to be bankroll management as with $35 in his account I once watched him sit at a $30 SNG...which he luckboxed a win on. He has only played hold 'em, so we fired up some micro stakes stud hi lo for a while and much to his dismay he lost $1.19 of my hard earned money. Then we tried out some omaha hi lo, which was good for a chuckle or two watching him try to figure out the best hand. Much of the chuckling was at myself as well, as I still screw it up nicely from time to time.

Tomorrow is a poker, pool and bbq day. A buddy of mine out in the 'burbs put in a wicked pool last year and we have been talking about combining a poker night with a pool day for a while now. The weather is going to be perfect for hanging out by a pool and it should be a lot of fun. The host and a couple of the other regular poker guys have kids which will love it, so this should be great for them too. I suspect poker will take a bit of a backseat to everything else that is going on but poker is just a mean bitch that can bite my ass anyway.

Okay, maybe I'm a tiny little bit bitter right now. I love poker and I can't wait to play more! I am definitely taking a bit of a break from grinding 6-max limit play but will have some fun with a couple tiny buy-in tourneys, some more stud and I am looking forward to the live play tomorrow.


Blogger C.L. Russo said...

Hey! Thanks for the link-up. I'll return the favor.

11:49 AM  
Blogger FloppyJT said...

Hey CL,

My pleasure. I look forward to reading more about your limit hold 'em journey.

Thanks for popping by!

2:31 PM  

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