Wednesday, July 19, 2006


A night passed without me playing any poker. I'm not sure how that happened exactly, but I just didn't feel like playing last night, so I didn't. In order to maintain my geek status, I tried to get reacquainted with my Druid on WOW instead. The seven month break from WOW has left me more than a little rusty and it felt quite similar to playing a no limit ring game to me - I was clueless.

I received two emails out of the blue yesterday about advertising on my 'blog'. After I got over the embarassment of actually having a blog I quickly moved on to just feeling puzzled about why anyone would actually want to advertise on it. As far as I can tell, I only get about 15 visitors a day, 10 of which are usually just me, 2 of which accidentally landed here by following a strange google search link and 3 of which are tracing back from their site meters as I usually use my own links on the right as a jumping point. I know that I do get a couple legitimate visitors as well but the number is relatively small. In addition, in order to get a decent page ranking I think you have to be linked to by a large number of highly ranked sites and to the best of my knowledge, I am not.

So, I'm not sure how they found me and what threshold was crossed in order for it to happen. I'm kind of a fan of money, so I will seriously consider putting up some advertising, but I'm also pretty lazy and some part of me really likes not having anything like that on this site as well, so I'm not 100% sure which way I'll go.

To date I have not bothered doing the pimping thing. I linked to some of the blogs I read regularly and left it at that. Anyone who finds there way here will already know of anyone I could possibly pimp, so it seems kind of pointless.

Thanks for the links folks!

Ian's Poker Plan was the very first site to link to me after some correspondence between us with me asking some completely noob questions about linking etiquette. I had been following his journey from total beginner to winner but his site went down for some time due to a hacker and I haven't seen it pop back up anywhere yet.

Counting My Outs was the next site to link to me and is still the first blog I visit every day. Michael is one of the minority bloggers who play and write about limit hold'em, which is of great interest to me and he is a great guy.

Poker4peace was another of the first sites to link to me. Slimeface blogs from all over the place as he travels the US, delivering goods and taking snapshots of glorious bottoms. I also had the pleasure recently to provide him with some chips at one of the Mookie events.

Trials of a Poker Apprentice is a great source for all kinds of poker headline news.

Littleacornpoker, a thirty something boy toy, from across the big pond.

Low Limit Grinder snuck a link in there somewhere without me noticing to become the only site to link to me before I managed to link to them. I got to play with Gary not long ago in my first Mookie and was the partial cause of making him take a couple days off of poker as I managed to dish out the final suckout in a long string of them. Oops. He took it well and seems like a nice guy.

I was using Grinder's Warehouse site long before I even realized poker blogs existed. He is another limit player and is constantly running simulations.

One day the blogfather himself even pimped my blog. I am still waiting for the T-shirt. Iggy is the King of the uber post and I only wish he could post them every day. Fittingly, there was an opening quote on that post by Bill Rini along the lines of as the number of poker blogs has increased the number 0f blogs worth reading has decreased.

Somewhere along the way another one of the old guard, Alcanthang, gave me some pimpage. I would like to go drinking with Al someday. If I was allowed to stick to just rum and cokes and he went three drinks for each of mine, I think I could hang with him for half a night.

More recently I bumped across the blog of a fellow from my own town who set me up a link. Klopzi is highly entertaining and plays at limits near mine. His blog was part of a chain of events which got me to try out some casino whoring, so I probably owe him a cut of my $300 or so to date.

And the most recent blog to hit me up with a link is Inside the mind of C.L. Russo. I had added a bunch of new links to the sidebar one day and he very quickly reciprocated.

There were more than I thought. If there are other links to me out there, sorry I missed them and THANKS!

I don't intend to do much in the way of pimping in the future, so I'm going to have to get it all out today.

Check out these blogs too:

Felicia Lee - The second blog I open every day. If her name was Alicia Lee, she would probably be the first. Always a very interesting read and she'll email you nude pics of her rack if you ask nicely.

The Poker Chronicles and DoubleAs, two of several published bloggers.

Flights of Iakaris - Canadian ties, supermodel Doctor, extremely entertaining. But most of all, I love Iak for introducing me to Melinda.

Check out CC's new site with Poker Works and also follow Pauly and Otis at the WSOP.

Okay, I very quickly tired of trying to single out individual blogs and this post is taking far too long. I remember another reason I don't pimp - I hate html. Anyway, also check out all the blogs I have linked on the right bar and then check out all the blogs they have linked.

The day is flying by, time to attack the work piled on my desk.


Blogger TripJax said...

Youze a Pimp whore. Me likey.

Regarding the advertising thing, usually it is less about them getting exposure on the actual site and more about the ad having certain text/content that helps boost there ranking when people search for that particular item. For instance, if you look at my site, I have a number of ads with lots of text in them. The more sites those advertisers have their ad at, the higher ranking they become when people search for poker.

At least that is how I understand it...


3:33 PM  
Blogger FloppyJT said...

Hey grinditout,

Good stuff, nice site and I hope you're right!

Hey Tripjax,

Sounds like a plausible explanation to me! I'm quite sure you understand it much better than I do. You'll be the first person I come ask for help when I totally screw this whole thing up trying to put the ad in btw. Great job on all the banners you pump out!

Thanks for the comments.

4:50 PM  
Blogger Semi-Pro Poker Player said...

Thanks for the kind words, floppy.

And take the free money! :-) (LOL)

5:25 AM  
Blogger FloppyJT said...

Hey Michael,

Thanks for being such a great guy! And advice taken!

12:58 PM  
Blogger John G. Hartness said...

Take the cash! And you're right that linking and being linked to helps the page rank thingy. It amazed me the first time anyone solicited an ad on my blog. I'll link you up in a day or so. I would do it sooner, but I'm a slackass.

4:10 PM  

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